Friday 18 March 2011

Social network and moral panic.

In France in 2010, 3 women working for “SOS femmes” ( is an association helping women against abuse and violence) were fired because they had posted comments and sent private messages to each other on Facebook.

These messages were not “appreciated” by the administration. These messages contained offensive words. This is not the first time that people are fired because of what they are saying on social networks. 

The fact remains that 8 months after this happened, the three women are still unemployed. The public prosecutor's office didn't convict neither of the parties, but the women will maybe stay unemployed and their lay off will not be reversed.

They have decided altogether to strike back and claim that what happened on facebook between them are only their concern and are asking how did the employer got the “private” conversation. They want an expertise to find out if their facebook account was hacked.

Whatever the judgment is or will be, the same questions always remain.
Who is really guilty ? Is facebook a private area ? Are these women guilty of what they said ? Or is it the administration searching and spying on them ?

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