Tuesday 1 March 2011


What is a community :
A community is a group of person sharing something « common » like a religion, or ideas, a way of life, or music. Several decades ago a community was group of person sharing a common location (where they lived) but with new technology and in particular Internet new communities have been created.

Everybody is part of a community and sometimes several. Being part of a community can be a choice or not, you can be part of a community without “signing-up”.You are born in a community that was here before you, and you will die but this community will live on.

You can also find communities within a community for example if with take Internet which nowadays maybe the biggest community, we will find hundreds of communities within this one such as facebook, myspace, twitter ...

That is also why we can give geographical limits to communities, we can say that from a point A to a point B it's a community.People are part of this community but they will move, will leave where they are born.
But people are not the only one who can move a community can move like nomads.If the catle need another place to eat the community will always stay the same but they will move to another place.

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