Monday, 28 March 2011


After Tunisia and Egypt, Lybia is now revolting against his political regime. To express themselves, and their opinion, to tell the world what is going on and what is happening in the country, thousands of Lybian have decided to use ICT (information and communication technologies). Facebook and Twtter have been the main to communicate along with blogs.

Thanks to this, people have been able to talk from their point of view, along with Tv or journalist who couldn't always be everywhere, or even sometimes enter the country, the information flow wouldn't be stop because the population create here the information.

But what happened in Tunasia and Egypt had to happened also in Lybia, to prevent leaks or (uncontrolled) information to spread around the world, Internet acces, facebook and other way to communicate have been blocked or filtered. The first time happened between the 18th and 19 of February and then the next night.

If we look closer we can see two nights without any activity but also that during the day the activity has really reduce. It's a double blockage preventing any person in Lybia to acess the Internet but also anybody body in the world to access a Lybian website.

This diagram from an article from “” comes with a question, was that only a test before really cutting the Internet ? So far nothing else happened but the future might change that.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Social network and moral panic.

In France in 2010, 3 women working for “SOS femmes” ( is an association helping women against abuse and violence) were fired because they had posted comments and sent private messages to each other on Facebook.

These messages were not “appreciated” by the administration. These messages contained offensive words. This is not the first time that people are fired because of what they are saying on social networks. 

The fact remains that 8 months after this happened, the three women are still unemployed. The public prosecutor's office didn't convict neither of the parties, but the women will maybe stay unemployed and their lay off will not be reversed.

They have decided altogether to strike back and claim that what happened on facebook between them are only their concern and are asking how did the employer got the “private” conversation. They want an expertise to find out if their facebook account was hacked.

Whatever the judgment is or will be, the same questions always remain.
Who is really guilty ? Is facebook a private area ? Are these women guilty of what they said ? Or is it the administration searching and spying on them ?

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Hum CATFISH what can I say ? Impressive, interesting, mind-blowing, confusing, funny and sad.
I guess my opinion is that I loved it. But it's very special because I can see 3 different way to see this movie. 

First if it's fake, if everything is fake, then it's a good fiction I think. Everything seems so real, the actors, the way it's filmed. And even if it's fake then it makes you think … a lot. Who's behind the screen, are the people always are what they say they are ? That is the message they want to send to people watching this movie.

Second, if it's half true and half fake. Because everything seems to be set so well, their timing is too perfect it's bizarre. When they arrive at the girl's house they open the letter box and they find his letters that seems to good to be true.

Third everything is true, and it is insane. Really, you have to see or to live it to believe it. Between the desperation of a women, trying to dream and escape her life to find a little bit of happiness. And on the other hand see how this man can get attach and fall in love with a girl if we can say, that he had never met or see.

I think what we have to learn from this movie/experience is that people can think differently if they are behind a screen.They would use this  anonymity to hide information, to change maybe what they really are.Most of the time it's to give a good image, or in this case trying to escape.It can sometimes also be for bad intentions.But with this tool we can be whoever we want and be dishonest and sometimes hurt people.

This movie shows us the impact and the effect on both side of social network can have on people, and we have to be aware about what can happen.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


What is a community :
A community is a group of person sharing something « common » like a religion, or ideas, a way of life, or music. Several decades ago a community was group of person sharing a common location (where they lived) but with new technology and in particular Internet new communities have been created.

Everybody is part of a community and sometimes several. Being part of a community can be a choice or not, you can be part of a community without “signing-up”.You are born in a community that was here before you, and you will die but this community will live on.

You can also find communities within a community for example if with take Internet which nowadays maybe the biggest community, we will find hundreds of communities within this one such as facebook, myspace, twitter ...

That is also why we can give geographical limits to communities, we can say that from a point A to a point B it's a community.People are part of this community but they will move, will leave where they are born.
But people are not the only one who can move a community can move like nomads.If the catle need another place to eat the community will always stay the same but they will move to another place.