Thursday, 17 February 2011

Super heroes

To be a super heroe fan we'll have to start from the begining. Super heroes first appeared with comic books.Comics books also known as comics appeared for the first time around 1932, they are a narrative graphic history in the form of separated panels. When we say comic books today we usually think about super heroes comics and they, according to wikipedia “dominates the market in America”.

When we think about what type of person is fan of these comics, or what kind of person buy comics we often think about nerds, geeks …They are often caricatured without a social life, in their world, playing video games, having collectibles in the box to keep the value.

Now a super heroes fan reads comics but, a real fan is interested in every type of products, he can quote these comics and telling from which issues it is. He collects posters, figurines, Dvds and everything related to the subject, he will sometimes identify himself has his/her favorite super hero.
Their stereotype shows us someone without a social life but on the contrary these fan tend to be in a group with other fan.

Every year during 4 days in San Diego the Comic'Con takes place in San Diego. In this conference you will find every gender of comic but those fans will came especially for the 2 giants DC and Marvel. Thousands of comic books fan come to meet the author or buy collectibles often dress has their heroe.

The Tv Show “The big bang theory” caricature and deal sometimes with this subject. The main characters are super heroes fan and know all about super heroes. 

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Moral Panic - Redheads !

« A moral panic is the increase in public perception of the possible threat to societal values and interests because of exposure to media texts .»

I wanted to talk about a very serious subject, redheads. There has been many names : carrot top, ginger, gingy, beet head … But before our modern days and before the discrimination and the jokes, redhead were a serious problem. Back then media as we know them did not exist yet, the people were the media they were carrying the information.

In several societies redheads were rejected, or avoided. In the Egyptian society they were associated to the god Seth who had red hair also. To calm his anger red hair were sacrificed. 
During the middle ages, people taught that redhead were trading with the devil, and sorcery others taught they were werewolf.

What can we see in all the different societies is the same scenario. The representation of the evil in each society was always someone with red hair. We can say that here the medium is the representation of the god that transmits this message and this idea to the society and guide their anger and their behaviour.

The legend says that : if people make fun/despise/reject/hate reheads it's because they are taking their revenge against Chuck Norris.And one thing is sure people do not reject redheads in Texas.